With Diwali just around the corner, POCO is offering customers a final chance to avail some great discounts on some of its mobile phones during Flipkart's Big Diwali Sale. The POCO M2 Pro, POCO X3 Pro, and POCO C3 are available from today, 28 October, till 3 November on the website, according to a statement by the company. The POCO F3 GT with 8 GB RAM is also on sale at a first-time-ever offer. The POCO C3, with 3 GB RAM and 32 GB storage, will be available on Flipkart for Rs 7,499, a sharp drop from its MRP of Rs 9,999. With further bank offers available on the website, customers can buy the phone at an effective price of just Rs 6,749. Similarly, the POCO X3 Pro with 6 GB RAM and 128 GB storage, priced at Rs 23,999, will be offered for Rs 16,999, a number that further drops to Rs 15,749 with bank offers factored in. The POCO X3 with 128 GB storage and 8 GB RAM will be available for a price of Rs 18,999 on Flipkart, against its MRP of Rs 25,999. The price further drops...