India’s first all-electric motorcycle, the Revolt RV400, garnered attention at launch not just for being the first of its kind in the country, but also for its surprisingly extensive battery warranty. When it was introduced in 2019, the RV400 came with a rather comprehensive battery warranty of eight years or 1,50,000 kilometres (whichever comes first), but that is no longer the case, as Revolt Motors has slashed the warranty on the RV400’s 3.24 kWh lithium-ion battery pack, and has also hiked the price of the motorcycle. The battery warranty for the Revolt RV400 has now been reduced to six years and 1,00,000 kilometres (whichever comes first), a reduction of two years and 50,000 kilometres. Despite the reduction, Revolt’s warranty coverage is still more comprehensive than that of other electric two-wheeler manufacturers, with even prominent players such as Ola Electric and Ather Energy only offering a three-year warranty on the batteries of their scooters. The RV400 is also consid...